Title: AllegianceAuthor: Cayla Kluver
Pages: 490
Published: February 28th 2012 by Harlequin Teen
ISBN: 9780373210435
Source: Publisher via Netgalley
Description: He couldn't help his past any more than he could help the way those intense, deep blue eyes pierced me and held me captive. An eighteen-year-old queen in love with the enemy as their countries pass the point of no return… Bound to a man she cannot love, Queen Alera of Hytanica must forget Narian, the young man who holds her heart. For Narian is destined to conquer Hytanica at the behest of his master, the powerful magic-user known as the Overlord. Alera doesn't truly believe Narian will fight against Hytanica—until Cokyrian troops attack with Narian commanding the charge. Faced with the greatest betrayal a heart can know, Alera must set aside personal feelings and lead her kingdom through its darkest time. And when all hope, will and courage seem lost, she must find strength and remember that even the blackest night must have a dawn….
I Give This ...
I was really looking forward to this book. Legacy had everything that I look for in a novel, including fantasy, romance, and that historical novel feel. Asking this book to live up to the story the first one created for me was a daunting task. While at times the story felt long and maybe a little drawn out, the overall story was wonderful.
I still enjoyed Alera's character, although I felt like she wasn't half the queen I thought she could be for most of the book. I know she didn't want any of these, and more important she is in love with Narian. But, I think she wasn't doing her character any justice by defying the rules and protection that people laid out for her. And by wallowing in her own self pity, she wasn't showing the people what a strong person she could be. Thankfully, she eventually steps out of that cocoon that she's built around herself. We, the readers get an excellent view of the powerful person she grows to be. And I can't wait for the people to figure that out as well.
I had a hard time wrapping my mind around what Narian was doing. It sometimes felt like he was doing this just because there was a prophecy that said he did this. I understood that the Overlord had some serious leverage over him. But, what was keeping him there later. when the threat had been removed? I was pleased to see that even when we couldn't see it, every move he made was to put Alera in a better position. He was constantly fighting for her life. A lot of lives were lost to protect hers. A horrible position to be in no doubt, but to Narian nobody else mattered.
The character that surprised me the most was Steldor. I had mixed feeling on him at the end of Legacy. But, by the end of this book, part of me really hoped that Alera would give him half a chance. He may have wanted to be king, but I honestly think that he wanted Alera more. I don't think he was use to having to chase her. Everything came so easily to him, and it really bothered him that Alera was the one thing that he couldn't completely had.
It seems like a lot time is covered in this book and it's sometimes difficult to follow. It's also a little gruesome to the end. The author spares us quite a bit of details, but leaves plenty the imagination. War isn't pretty. And in this magical land, it can be more than bloody. We were told repeatedly how the Overlord would make everyone suffer. I apparently didn't really believe it (or couldn't imagine it).
I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this series with the next book. The story went in a direction that I honestly wasn't expecting, so I'm curious as to what will happen next.