Title: Angel Star
Pages: 256
21-Mar | |
My Ever Expanding Library | 22-Mar |
Bri Meets Books | 22-Mar |
Book Loons | 22-Mar |
The Book Lush | 23-Mar |
Bran Hambric Fan Blog | 24-Mar |
Red Headed Book Child | 24-Mar |
Book Blather | 25-Mar |
Inside The Mind | 25-Mar |
National Children's Book Examiner | 26-Mar |
Babbling About Books, and More | 26-Mar |
Lauren’s Crammed Bookshelf | 26-Mar |
Title: Inkspell
Author: Cornelia Funke
Published: October 2005
Pages: 635
ISBN: 9780439554008
Source: Library
Description: Although a year has passed, not a day goes by without Meggie thinking of Inkheart, the book whose characters came to life - and changed her life forever.
But for Dustfinger, the fire-eater brought into being from words, the need to return to the original tale has become desperate. When he finds a crooked storyteller with the magical ability to read him back, Dustfinger leaves behind his young apprentice Farid and plunges into the medieval inkscape once more. Distraught, Farid goes in search of Meggie, and before long both are caught inside the book, too. There they meet Inkheart's author, Fenoglio, now living within his own story. But the tale is much changed, and threatening to evolve in ways none of them would have ever imagined. Will Meggie, Farid, and Fenoglio manage to write the wrongs of a charmed world? Or is their story on the brink of a very bad ending?
I Give This Book 4 Stars!
I have to admit that I didn't jump out and read this because I didn't think Inkheart was all that great. But, I wanted to know how the story ended. So, I finally picked this one up. I'm very glad that I did. The story was much richer than the first book. It was written better with the characters coming to life more. Maybe it's because we finally get a look at the world that everybody was willing to go to such lengths for. It's almost like the author was able to write about a fantasy world better than the real one. I found the danger more real and the bad guys gave off more of that evil persona. I was just overall more impressed with this one. Believe me, I will be picking up the last in the series soon!
Title: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary
Author: Brandon Mull
Published: March 2009
Pages: 535
ISBN: 9781606410424
Source: Library book
Description: Brace yourself for a shocking secret. Two hidden artifacts have been found. Three more remain unrecovered. More preserves face destruction as the Society of the Evening Star relentlessly pursues new talismans. Reading in Patton's Journal of Secrets, Kendra learns the location of the key to a vault housing one of the artifacts. In order to retrieve it, the Knights of the Dawn must enter a death trap a dragon sanctuary called Wyrmroost. The mission cannot proceed without stealing a sacred object zealously guarded by the centaurs. Anybody seen Seth? The race is on to acquire all five of the artifact keys to the great demon prison. Will the Knights of the Dawn conquer Wyrmroost? Who can stop the Sphinx? Can Vanessa be trusted to help? What artifact will be found next? Find out in Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary.
I Give This Book 4 Stars!
I gave it 4 stars but I'm tempted to give it more... it's only real draw back is that it's long. Which doesn't have to be a bad thing, it just doesn't have the race until the end, need to read it feel. But, besides that, I love this series. What I do find odd is that I love the mythical creatures in this series more than I love the characters. The characters are well executed though, and have plenty of appeal. But, for some reason, I just love the fantasy. The author has created this tightly woven world of mythical races. Everything has an explanation that fits in with each race. And, while those little details may seem like they dont' matter, it's what makes the story real. The author has created a completely functioning different world within our own. And, just when it seems like we've reached an ending point of new characters, the author adds a new one. It's never overwhelming though. I always want more. I have really enjoyed watching Seth and Kendra evolve with the powers they have been granted by very different races withing their grandparents preserve. And it will be interesting to see how they work together to use them. I can't wait to read the next (and what I think will be the last) in this series!
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is now brought to you by Sheila from One Person’s Journey Through A World of Books!
I started off the week with The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner. I've been intrigued by books surrounding the French Revolution. But, the last one was just ok. Apparently what I needed was one of more fictional basis and young adult. It was a fast read and I thought it was great.
I read The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan next. It's the 4th book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. While it was still a good book, I felt like it was lacking something. Not my favorite of the series.
I finished the week with Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke. I was excited for this book because I really loved Inkspell. I still loved the characters and story development in this one. My problem was it just seemed too long. I think there was too much tedious details and dialog.
I'm going to start Fire by Kristin Cashore tonight. I'm so excited for this book because I loved Graceling! I'm expecting two books from Around the World Tours this week, so I'll have to read those instead of the other two I had planned (that's not a bad thing though). So that will be Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia and Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvery.
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi and she was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie!
It wasn't my intent to have this many books this week!
For Review:
From The Library:
Two future covers were released this week that I loved! The first is for Torment by Lauren Kate. I haven't read Fallen yet, but have to say that the cover for both books are great. The second cover of the month is for Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I loved Beautiful Creatures and the simple features of black and gray with that splash of color on the covers is what draws you in. Here are both... what do you think?
Title: Numbers
Author: Rachel Ward
Published: Feb 2010
Pages: 325
ISBN: 9780545142991
Source: Won from Goodreads First Look
Description: Whenever Jem meets someone new, no matter who, as soon as she looks into their eyes, a number pops into her head. That number is a date: the date they will die.
Burdened with such an awful awareness, Jem avoids relationships. Until she meets Spider, another outsider, and takes a chance. But while they’re waiting to ride the Eye Ferris wheel, Jem notices that all the other tourists in line flash the same number. Today’s number. Today’s date. Terrorists are going to attack London. Jem’s world is about to explode!
I Give This Book 3.5 Stars!
The description above is the most common one found for this book. And, I have to point out that it's extremely misleading. I prefer the description that are usually included with this on sites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The fact that Jem sees the date of when someone will die is more like a side story in this book. It leads to the events that actually take place. I'm hoping that not to many people are disappointed when the story isn't what they expect. Because the actual story is really pretty good. Jem is a complete fireball of a lead character. She's sarcastic, witty, and fun. I completely understand why she shies away from relationships. I wasn't sure what I thought of Spider at first. But, he grew on me by the end of the book. I could see why Jem found the connection she did with him. The events that occur after the incident at the ferris wheel are intense and they leave you in a whirlwind of emotions. I was completely shocked by the ending. The only thing that really bothered me was the constant talk of the characters being victims of their circumstances. The story made it seem that because they came from poor backgrounds, they wouldn't amount to anything more.
Title: I, Elizabeth
Author: Rosalind Miles
Published: March 2003
Pages: 656
ISBN: 9780609809105
Source: Personal Copy
Description: Publicly declared a bastard at the age of three, daughter of a disgraced and executed mother, last in the line of succession to the throne of England, Elizabeth I inherited an England ravaged by bloody religious conflict, at war with Spain and France, and badly in debt. When she died in 1603, after a forty-five- year reign, her empire spanned two continents and was united under one church, victorious in war, and blessed with an overflowing treasury. What’s more, her favorites—William Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake, and Sir Walter Raleigh—had made the Elizabethan era a cultural Golden Age still remembered today.
But for Elizabeth the woman, tragedy went hand in hand with triumph. Politics and scandal forced the passionate queen to reject her true love, Robert Dudley, and to execute his stepson, her much-adored Lord Essex. Now in this spellbinding novel, Rosalind Miles brings to life the woman behind the myth. By turns imperious, brilliant, calculating, vain, and witty, this is the Elizabeth the world never knew. From the days of her brutal father, Henry VIII, to her final dying moments, Elizabeth tells her story in her own words.
I Give This Book 3.5 Stars!
I picked this book up because Queen Elizabeth I fascinates me. I've read many different historical fictions about her. I really liked the first part of the book. Most things I've read start were her half-sister Queen Mary has her in the Tower of London. So, I haven't read much concerning her childhood and when her father was still alive (at least were she was the focus of the story anyway). I felt that reading about that time period helped me better understand some of her actions as an adult. I also liked reading about her relationship with her half-brother, Edward. But, sadly the later part of the story started to really drag down. I found myself skimming parts. But, I don't blame it on the book really. As stated above, I've read a lot about her. This book really just did not have anything new to add. It focused on the facts and more on Elizabeth the Queen, not Elizabeth the person. So, if you haven't already read some historical fiction about Queen Elizabeth, you might like this one. But, if you already have a lot of information concerning Queen Elizabeth I, you might want to find something else.
Title: Bleeding Violet
Author: Dia Reeves
Published: January 2010
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9781416986188
Source: ARC copy provided for review by Around The World Tours
Description: Love can be a dangerous thing...
Hanna simply wants to be loved. With a head plagued by hallucinations, a medicine cabinet full of pills, and a closet stuffed with frilly, violet dresses, Hanna's tired of being the outcast, the weird girl, the freak. So she runs away to Portero, Texas in search of a new home. But Portero is a stranger town than Hanna expects. As she tries to make a place for herself, she discovers dark secrets that would terrify any normal soul. Good thing for Hanna, she's far from normal. As this crazy girl meets an even crazier town, only two things are certain: Anything can happen and no one is safe.
I Give This Book 4 Stars!
I think I should start off by saying this book is not for everyone. I knew from pervious reviews that it's a little dark and twisted, okay maybe I should say a lot twisted. You know from the description that Hanna is not what one would call mentally stable. I hate to use the word crazy (that would be the psychology background talking), but really there isn't a better word for her. And in Portero, she's not the craziest thing out there. In this town, monsters turn fountains into blood, pop out of invisible doors, live in windows, and possess people. To combat this all, Hanna takes her craziness to the next level, were her hallucinations become real and help protect her. The book is intense to say the least. I had a hard time with Hanna, maybe because it's so hard to figure out what she's doing. Wyatt was interesting, but I felt like even he was hiding something. The book has a lot of very mature content in it, including graphic violence, suicide and sexual content. I liked it, but as I said from the start, it isn't for everybody.
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is now brought to you by Sheila from One Person’s Journey Through A World of Books!
I'm amazed that I managed to get 3 books in last week. Granted it didn't hurt that my last book was a fast read and I couldn't sleep last night.
I started the week with a book from Around the World Tours that I've been dieing to read! It was Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves. Let's just say that this book was crazy. I enjoyed it, but it's not for everybody.
I decided to chug along with Voyager by Diana Gabaldon next. I'm so glad that I did. I'm debating if I may have liked it more than Outlander. Probably not, but it's a close second!
I started and finished The Mark by Jen Nadol yesterday. It was a really fast read for me. I really liked it. Much better than my recent read that had the same sort of idea.
I'm not currently reading anything at the moment. I will start something today. I haven't decided yet which order to read them, but my plan is to read The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner, Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke, and The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan this week.
Hope you have a great reading week!
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi and she was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie!
I want to thank Felicia over at Geeky Blogger's Book Blog for this award!
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2. Choose 15 other bloggers that you love, and award them with this.
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Title: The Lost Symbol
Author: Dan Brown
Published: September 2009
Pages: 509
ISBN: 9780385504225
Source: Personal copy
Description: Everyone off the bus, and welcome to a Washington, D.C., they never told you about on your school trip when you were a kid, a place steeped in Masonic history that, once revealed, points to a dark, ancient conspiracy that threatens not only America but the world itself. Returning hero Robert Langdon comes to Washington to give a lecture at the behest of his old mentor, Peter Solomon. When he arrives at the U.S. Capitol for his lecture, he finds, instead of an audience, Peter's severed hand mounted on a wooden base, fingers pointing skyward to the Rotunda ceiling fresco of George Washington dressed in white robes, ascending to heaven. Langdon teases out a plethora of clues from the tattooed hand that point toward a secret portal through which an intrepid seeker will find the wisdom known as the Ancient Mysteries, or the lost wisdom of the ages. A villain known as Mal'akh, a steroid-swollen, fantastically tattooed, muscle-bodied madman, wants to locate the wisdom so he can rule the world. Mal'akh has captured Peter and promises to kill him if Langdon doesn't agree to help find the portal. Joining Langdon in his search is Peter's younger sister, Kathleen, who has been conducting experiments in a secret museum. This is just the kickoff for a deadly chase that careens back and forth, across, above and below the nation's capital, darting from revelation to revelation, pausing only to explain some piece of wondrous, historical esoterica.
I Give This Book 3.5 Stars!
I kind of feel sorry for Dan Brown. He had to write a follow up to The Da Vinci Code, and we all know that it was probably not an easy task. I think he did a pretty good job of it for the most part. I loved how this one was set in the US, and not just the US, but Washington D.C. The historical and landmark facts in this book are nothing short of astounding. It never fails to amaze me how religious the founding fathers really were and how much of those beliefs are worked into our government. One thing is for sure, this book really made me want to visit our nation's capitol. I also enjoyed the mystery, twists and turns in this one. Dan Brown really knows how to keep you guessing until the very end. But (and sadly there is that but), I felt the overall message delivered in this one was a bit heavy-handed and over the top. And the descriptions of the "Ancient Mysteries" left me rather bored at times. It just wasn't as believable as his previous books. I never had that moment that made me question all the things I've been taught (which I did with Da Vinci Code). Still, a great read for those who like his previous works, but I would not expect it to wow you like the others did.
Title: The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette
Author: Carolly Erickson
Published: August 2006
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9780312361501
Source: personal copy
Description: Imagine that, on the night before she is to die under the blade of the guillotine, Marie Antoinette leaves behind in her prison cell a diary telling the story of her life—from her privileged childhood as Austrian Archduchess to her years as glamorous mistress of Versailles to the heartbreak of imprisonment and humiliation during the French Revolution. Carolly Erickson takes the reader deep into the psyche of France’s doomed queen: her love affair with handsome Swedish diplomat Count Axel Fersen, who risked his life to save her; her fears on the terrifying night the Parisian mob broke into her palace bedroom intent on murdering her and her family; her harrowing attempted flight from France in disguise; her recapture and the grim months of harsh captivity; her agony when her beloved husband was guillotined and her young son was torn from her arms, never to be seen again. Erickson brilliantly captures the queen’s voice, her hopes, her dreads, and her suffering. We follow, mesmerized, as she reveals every detail of her remarkable, eventful life—from her teenage years when she began keeping a diary to her final days when she awaited her own bloody appointment with the guillotine.
I Give This Book 3 Stars!
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about Marie Antoinette. And, what I do know probably comes from the movies. She usually isn't portrayed very kindly there. I had built this image of a young women who liked parties, clothes, and basic extravagance. This book took an extreme opposite view. It touched on the rumors surrounding the Queen, but I never got a good feel for how the Queen felt about this. The book seems to down play all of that, when in fact that malicious gossip eventually made the people of France hate her. She had to have realized that but she seems really detached from her people and her country. I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Although, I'm sure we will never know the whole truth surrounding all the gossip.
I did really enjoy the format of the book. The diary entries made it seem like more of a possibility that this was who the Queen really was. I learned a few things I did not know. Plus, it made me want to read more historical fiction about Marie Antoinette. Some seem to complain about some characters being made up, but I able to take that in because I know it is historical fiction. I know that not everything is fact. Overall, and interesting read, but I feel it's steeped more in fiction than in fact.
Title: Thirteen Reasons Why
Author: Jay Asher
Published: October 2007
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781595141712
Source: Library
Description: Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker--his classmate and crush--who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list. Through Hannah and Clay's dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers.
I Give This Book 5 Stars!
This book caught my interest from the first time I saw it. I finally picked it up when I saw it at the library. Within the first couple pages I was hooked. They way the author presented this story was so real. I could feel Clay's emotions as he listened to each of the tapes. I wanted to reach out to Hannah and tell her that everything was going to be okay. I've read reviews that state they felt Hannah was placing blame on those 13 people. I never felt like that through the entire story. I felt Hannah was trying to point out that a person's actions DO affect others. Rumors, lies, bullying, etc are all ways that can cut a person down. I think Hannah hoped that through the tapes, she could make someone (even just one) realize their behavior can change. I was so raw in emotion towards the end, I needed to step back from the book for awhile and reflect over it. You know the outcome of the story, but part of you hopes for that glimmer of help. Something for Hannah to reach out and hold on to. I hope this book becomes a must read for teens. I think it has a very real portrayal of suicide and that things that may drive a person to believe that it may be the only option.
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is now brought to you by Sheila from One Person’s Journey Through A World of Books!
I spent the week working on my series challenge.
I started off the week with Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. I wasn't sure what I would think of this book because I thought Inkheart was just okay. I was extremely surprised how much I liked this one. I will look forward to book three.
My next book was The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan. I'm really enjoying this series so far. I think this one is my favorite so far. I really enjoy watching the characters grow.
My last read was The Van Alen Legacy. I'm not sure what I think of this one. I found the alternating narratives very distracting.
I'm currently reading Voyager by Diana Gabaldon, but I will put it aside for Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves when it gets here. I will also read The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner. I haven't decided if I will read anything else, but I may try to finish Voyager instead of my original plan.
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi and she was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie!
That's all I got this week! How about you?
Title: Shudder
Author: Jennie Hansen
Published: 2009
Pages: 218
ISBN: 9781598117684
Source: Library
Description: Darcy and Clare grew up as best friends, sharing trials and triumphs from preschool through college graduation. Now they’re sharing an apartment in Boise, Idaho, where Clare just landed a great job and Darcy is pursuing a teaching certificate. There’s only one problem: Blaine, Clare’s boyfriend. His chauvinistic, know-it-all ways set Darcy’s teeth on edge. Darcy vows not to let Blaine ruin her lifelong friendship with Clare, but when Blaine insists on moving in, Darcy suddenly finds herself alone. The estranged friends forge ahead on seemingly separate paths. Engaged to Blaine, Clare becomes trapped in ugly family politics and vicious treatment from her fiancé. Darcy finds a temporary home with Karlene, an accident victim seeking live-in help, but a twisted plot soon threatens their safety. Clare’s wedding briefly reunites her with Darcy, yet the friends have never been farther apart. And when Clare finds herself in mortal peril and finally calls on Darcy to help, it might be too late.
I Give This Book 3 Stars!
It was the cover and title that first caught my eye. Of course I picked it up to read the description on the back. The second thing that jumped out at me was that the story takes place in Boise, Idaho. I know most people would say who cares, but I'm from southern Idaho (about 2 hours from Boise), and this really got me. I was happy to see it on the shelf at the library, so I picked it up. Now comes the trouble of reviewing it. I liked it, but I can guarantee that it is not for everybody. The main problem I see is that it revolves greatly around the Mormon religion. I can take it with a grain of salt, but I'm afraid that there will be many who can't read around it. Plus, if you are not Mormon or familiar with the religion, I'm afraid it will come across as extreme. Now, setting that aside, I liked the characters. I think it gives a very good picture of abusive relationships. You can't help but feel for Darcy as she watches what her friend goes through. Add in the murder/mystery, and it was a lot of fun. The book got better when it stepped away from why the girls can't live with a man, or issues with modest clothing, and all things that seem so cliché to the mormon religion. I understand that they need something to read too. Something that fits in with those who have strong beliefs, and above all something clean. That's what the author was aiming for here, and that's fine too.
Title: Shadowland
Author: Alyson Noel
Published: November 2009
Pages: 339
ISBN: 9780312590444
Source: Library
Description: At the start of this breathtaking novel, Damen and Ever travel to Summerland in search of an antidote to reverse a powerful poison. But instead of the cure they seek, they find something far more sinister: the truth about their existence and the fate lying in wait of an immortal’s soul. Now, with Damen fighting to save them from the Shadowland, Ever turns to magick, hoping to break Damen’s curse. Along the way Ever encounters the mysterious Jude, finding herself drawn to him in a way that will test her love for Damen like never before . ..
I Give This Book 4 Stars! (see below)
So, I really should have written my review when I read this book . You notice I give it 4 stars, but that's because it's what I rated it on goodreads. But, I made the mistake of reading some other reviews before I wrote my own. And now, I've forgotten what I liked about it. All I can see are the issues that others pointed out. So, I'm tempted to go back and give it 3 stars. I did like it. The plot was interesting and suspenseful at times. The introduction of Jude and why he was there completely caught me off guard. I know for sure that when I finished reading it the twins really annoyed me. But, now all I can think of is the lack of development in Ever and Damon's relationship. We seem to still be in the same place we were in book one. I can't help but notice Ever's glaring faults. Bad choice after bad choice do not make for an interesting series. At some the main character has to evolve a little. But, I will continue on. But at this point in the series, I'm glad it's the library buying them and not me...
Title: Hunting Ground
Author: Patricia Briggs
Published: August 2009
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9780441017386
Source: Library
Description: Mated to werewolf Charles Cornick, the son and enforcer of the leader of the North American werewolves, Anna Latham now knows how dangerous being a werewolf is, especially when a werewolf opposes Charles and his father is struck down. Charles's reputation makes him the prime suspect, and the penalty for the crime is execution. Now Anna and Charles must combine their talents to hunt down the real killer or Charles will take the fall.
I Give This Book 4 Stars!
This book had a little bit of a slow start for me. I was afraid it wouldn't have the same pull as Cry Wolf. I kept reading because I like the characters and I was hoping it would pick up. I was in for a treat. The story became very intense later on. I enjoyed the mystery and the thrills. It was definitely a page turner from about half way through the book (the story picked up way before that). I love how the author manages to pull in different mythical races into one story without making it seem like to much information. The author has created a tightly woven subculture in today's human world. I really loved watching Charles' and Anna's character evolve with each other. And, I was relieved to finally learn a little bit more about what an Omega werewolf is. I will be looking forward to the next in the series!