Tuesday, November 30, 2010

She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell

She Walks in BeautyTitle: She Walks in Beauty
Author: Siri Mitchell
Pages: 384
Published: April 2010 by Bethany House
ISBN: 9780764204333
Source: Library

Description: For a young society woman seeking a favorable marriage in the late 1890s, so much depends on her social season debut. Clara Carter has been given one goal: secure the affections of the city's most eligible bachelor. Debuting means plenty of work--there are corsets to be fitted, dances to master, manners to perfect. Her training soon pays off, however, as celebrity's spotlight turns Clara into a society-page darling. Yet Clara wonders if this is the life she really wants, especially when she learns her best friend has also set her sights on Franklin De Vries. When a man appears who seems to love her simply for who she is, and gossip backlash turns ugly, Clara realizes it's not just her heart at stake--the future of her family depends on how she plays the game.

I Give This ...

I've never read anything by Siri Mitchell, but the cover and description had me intrigued.  If they rest of her books are anything like this one, I will have to add them to my to read list.  I was completely enthralled with this one.  It's considered adult historical fiction, but would be totally appropriate for young adult as well.

I had a feeling I would like it considering it's historical fiction and I was reminded of The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen.  Clara is a character that will stick with you after you've read the book.  She's forced into her debut by an aunt with an agenda.  She's not as well rehearsed in the ways of society as her best friend, so her aunt gives her a crash course.  She puts up with it all because she believes it her duty to do soBut, you can see the fire in her.  When she breaks "the rules", she comes out being the belle of the ball unintentionally.  I liked her because she's smart, loyal, and she doesn't fit the mold of the typical debutante.

I also enjoyed the descriptions of the season.  Some of the other books I've read seem to glamorize the process.  This one seems to be the opposite.  The constant competition to "catch" the best man, even with your best friend, must have been exhausting.  Not to mention the politics involved.  Then there's the opera's, the dinner's, the balls, and the at-home days.  All this was done for the best possible match.  And don't get me even started on the corsets...it made me cringe just reading about them.  

A wonderful book that I would have give a 5 too had it not been for the ending.  I guess I was hoping to much for what I thought was the perfect ending.  It still ended well and Clara choose who I wanted her to.  But, the details were different.  I wanted the confrontation and for Clara to stand up for herself.  Although for her to have done that would have been atypical of a young women in that time period.

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.  Click on the picture to be taken to Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!

I've had a reading week one could say.  We've had some nasty winter weather and I've been sick, which has left me with lots of time in front of the fire with a book.  I've been lucky and had some excellent books in the pile, which really helps to breeze through them.

Read Last Week: 
  • Such a Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb
  • The Sixth Surrender by Hana Samek Norton
  • Steel by Carrie Vaughn
  • Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
  • An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon
  • Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Currently Reading:
  • The Unidentified Redhead by Alice Clayton
Plan To Read:
  • The Mermaid's Mirror L.K. Madigan
  • Team Challenge by Janet Rising
  • The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney

Sunday, November 28, 2010

In My Mailbox!

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren and she was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture JunkieI also want to mention that all my cover pictures link to Goodreads!

For Review:

The Queen's Daughter
  • The Queen's Daughter by Susan Coventry - Susan sent me this!  It's signed and she also included the cutest post-it note pads with the image and title on them. I can't wait to read it!

  • Steel by Carrie Vaughn (Around The World Tours)
  • Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith (Star Book Tours)


Wicked Game (WVMP Radio, #1)A Curse Dark As Gold
  • Wicked Game by Jeri Smith-Ready
  • A Curse as Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce

    Saturday, November 27, 2010

    Entangled by Cat Clarke

    EntangledTitle: Entangled
    Author: Cat Clarke
    Pages: 374
    Published: January 6, 2011 by Quercus
    ISBN: 9781849163941
    Source: Star Book Tours

    Description: The same questions whirl round and round in my head: What does he want from me? How could I have let this happen? AM I GOING TO DIE? 17-year-old Grace wakes up in a white room, with a table, pens and paper - and no clue how she got here. As Grace pours her tangled life onto the page, she is forced to remember everything she's tried to forget. There's falling hopelessly in love with the gorgeous Nat, and the unravelling of her relationship with her best friend Sal. But there's something missing. As hard as she's trying to remember, is there something she just can't see? Grace must face the most important question of all. Why is she here? A story of dark secrets, intense friendship and electrifying attraction. 

    I Give This ...

    Oddly enough, I had no real idea what this book was about.  The cover is what caught me.  The description is sort of vague.  But, it's that vagueness that draws you in from the very first pages.  It's one of those stories that unfolds slowly.  The details are so entangled (sorry for the pun), that you need them all to work at the entire puzzle.

    Grace is an interesting character.    I never really identified with her, but I definitely felt sorry for her.  At first she seems like a carefree teenager.  But, then her problems start to pour out on to the pages.  It's hard to explain, because I don't want to give it away.  It's one of those things that the element of surprise works better.  The description gives absolutely no indication of what's really going on with Grace.  She's lost her father, her mother seems to care very little for her, and she doesn't seem to have any friends except for Sal.  She drinks way to much and has way to many sexual relations with guys she barely even knows.  She's in a downward spiral that seems way out of control.  What amazed me is that no one seemed to notice the real trouble she was in.  She was constantly apologizing for her actions but I never felt like anybody was really clued in to what she was doing and why.

    I liked Sal.  She really seemed to care for Grace.  But, once her own troubles started, it was almost like Grace wasn't there.  I don't think she behaved in a manner that a true friend would.  There were a number of times I really wanted to shake her to make her see what Grace was doing.  I think the end could have been avoided if somebody was paying attention.  I also liked Nat, but I admit I was wary of him from the start.  It was like I was waiting for some truth to come out that would put him in a bad light.  In the end, I still don't think he was a bad guy.  I don't think he control how he felt and he definitely cared for Grace.

    Ultimately, I was really touched by this book.  What Grace was doing, I can't even begin to wrap my mind around.  I can gauge how much a book makes me think by how much I talk about it with my husband after I've finished.  I've sounded off on him for quite a number of days regarding this one.  I think it will stick with me for a long time.

    I do want to mention that there's a lot of strong language, drinking, sex, violence. in this one.  I'm not sure I would recommend it for younger teens unless you are comfortable talking about what is going on.

    *I wonder about the drinking in this book.  It's being in published in the UK, so the setting is there.  I'm not naive that teens drink, but I was surprised at how much goes on this book.  The teens buy from liquor stores without being ID'd, drink until all hours of the morning in clubs, etc.  I know the drinking age is lower in the UK, but I wondered if this was a common thing for teens there?  It wasn't just Grace, but even characters that you wouldn't expect it from.  

    Friday, November 26, 2010

    Book Blogger Hop and Follow My Blog

    Book Blogger Hop 

    The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-For-Books.

    This week's question is-
     "What is your favorite book cover?"

    Honestly, it would be really hard to pick just one favorite.  But I love covers with women in big fancy dresses or regal gowns. I'm thinking of the covers of The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen, or pretty much any historical fiction.  Here are some of the favorites I've discovered recently
    India BlackMadame Tussaud: A Novel of the French RevolutionThe Second Duchess

    Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee!

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    Tantalize (Tantalize #1) by Cynthia Leitich Smith

    Tantalize (Tantalize, #1)Title: Tantalize
    Author: Cynthia Leitich Smith
    Series: 1st in series
    Pages: 336
    Published: February 2007 by Candlewick
    ISBN: 9780763627911
    Source: Library

    Description: Quincie Morris has never felt more alone. Her parents are dead, and her hybrid-werewolf first love is threatening to embark on a rite of passage that will separate them forever. Then, as she and her uncle are about to unveil their hot vampire-themed restaurant, a brutal murder leaves them scrambling for a chef. Can Quincie transform their new hire into a culinary Dark Lord before opening night? Can he wow the crowd in his fake fangs, cheap cape, and red contact lenses — or is there more to this earnest face than meets the eye? As human and preternatural forces clash, a deadly love triangle forms, and the line between predator and prey begins to blur. Who’s playing whom? And how long can Quincie play along before she loses everything?

    I Give This ...

    I accidentally read the second in the series first.  Since it's actually a companion novel, it turned out it didn't matter.  I wanted to read this one because the 3rd in the series comes out soon and it's suppose to contain characters from both books.  It wasn't as good as I had hoped, but wasn't a complete disappointment either.

    For half of the book, I wasn't even sure the direction it was going to take.  It seemed to be more about werewolves than vampires.  And neither seems to be very well explained.    I was confused by certain events and what there place in the story actually was.  I also had a hard time with Quince.  Her characteristics changed during the story.  And while we learn there is an explanation why, it just made the story feel off.  

    Oddly enough, I guess I also didn't get the whole point of the vampire restaurant and so much of the story focuses on it.  I get why the vampires were on board with the idea.  The were using it as a way to increase numbers.  But, I didn't get why Quince thought it was a good idea to start one.  I think my problem was I never fully understood how vampires and werewolves functioned in society.  It seemed to be similar to the idea in The Sookie Stackhouse series, but it was never very clear.

    I'm still glad I read it so the characters are familiar when I read Blessed.  But, I probably would have been fine with out it.  

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Sea Glass (Glass #2) by Maria V. Snyder

    Sea Glass (Glass, #2)Title: Sea Glass
    Author: Maria V. Snyder
    Series: 2nd in Glass series
    Pages: 379
    Published: September 2009 by Mira
    ISBN: 9780778325802
    Source: Library

    Description: Student glass magician Opal Cowan's newfound ability to steal a magician's powers makes her too powerful. Ordered to house arrest by the Council, Opal dares defy them, traveling to the Moon Clan's lands in search of Ulrick, the man she thinks she loves. Thinks, because she is sure that another man, now her prisoner, has switched souls with Ulrick.  In hostile territory, without proof or allies, Opal isn't sure whom to trust. She can't forget Kade, the handsome Stormdancer who doesn't want to let her get close. And now everyone is after Opal's special powers for their own deadly gain.... 

    I Give This ...

    Opal has some multiple personality disorder or something in this one.  While not a bad thing, it was kind of odd.  But, I guess it might be understanding considering what she goes through in this book.

    At the beginning she's the character we've seen all along.  She's a bit of a pushover, but you can tell she fighting it quite a bit.  Instead of going straight to the keep when demanded of her, she still searches for Ulrick.  I was disappointed how quick she gave up though.  I also greatly disliked how the First Magician's and the council treated her.  But, I was expecting it (they did the same thing to Yelena in The Study series).  But, I was surprised at how nobody believed herIt's no wonder she switched and became a little bit sarcastic and hardened.  She was learning that she couldn't trust anyone but herself.

    I liked Devlin a lot during this book.   It's refreshing to have a truly reformed bad guy.  Although, I was just like Opal and wasn't sure if he was feeding her full of lies.  Ulrick, I would have gladly punched him in the face for Opal.  Overall, I was happy to see that the truth comes out and Opal learns that she truly has people who love and care about her.  And her magical abilities are astounding.  I don't think we've learned the true scope of what she can do.  I'm looking forward to reading Spy Glass


    Monday, November 22, 2010

    It's Monday! What are you reading?

    What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.  Click on the picture to be taken to Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!
    Read Last Week: 
    • Spy Glass by Maria Snyder
    • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
    • Entangled by Cat Clark
    • Unraveled by Gena Showalter
     Currently Reading:

    • Such a Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb
    Up This Week:

    • The Sixth Surrender by Hana Samek Norton
    • Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
    • The Unidentified Redhead by Alice Clayton

    Sunday, November 21, 2010

    In My Mailbox!

    In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren and she was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture JunkieI also want to mention that all my cover pictures link to Goodreads!

    For Review: 

    EntangledThe Sixth Surrender

    Team Challenge (The Pony Whisperer, #2)First Grave on the Right
    • Entangled by Cat Clarke (Star Book Tours) 
    • The Sixth Surrender by Hana Samek Norton (Crazy Book Tours)
    • Team Challenge by Janet Rising 
    • First Grave On The Right by Darynda Jones 

    Dead in the Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10)
    • Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris

      Saturday, November 20, 2010

      Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

      Anna and the French KissTitle: Anna and the French Kiss
      Author: Stephenie Perkins
      Series: 1st (but I think the next will be companion)
      Pages: 372
      Published: December 2, 2010 by Dutton
      ISBN: 9780525423270
      Source: Around The World Tours

      Description: Anna was looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. So she's less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris — until she meets Étienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Étienne has it all . . . including a serious girlfriend.  But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss? Stephanie Perkins keeps the romantic tension crackling and the attraction high in a debut guaranteed to make toes tingle and hearts melt. 

       I Give This ...

      I don't read a lot of contemporary fictions.  And I read even less contemporary young adult fiction.  I think because this is a common type of book and I just don't know how to pick the good from the ok and from the bad.  I hate to say it wasn't really even on my radar until I saw a few glowing reviews for it.  I thought I would give it a try and see what all the fuss was about it.  I think it made me realize that I need to be more open to anything.  I might not like it, but by not giving it a shot, I might miss out on something fantastic.  

      I was pulled in from the first page.  I liked Anna.  She's smart, acts like a normal teenager, and has a typical (sort of) family.  It's something everybody will identify with. I also liked her quirks.  She's overly neat, seems to be afraid of new situations/people which makes her set in her routines.  But, I loved that she was able to step of her comfort zones and really start to explore Paris.  As a character, she one of the best I've seen.  I really understood every action she made.  She just jumped off the pages.

       Étienne was just as fantastic.  He wasn't perfect and even Anna acknowledges that.  He's fun and has a quirky sense of humor.  Some of his antics had me laughing out loud.  I also enjoyed that added drama of his relationship with his father.  I think what was added was a perfect amount and too much more might have brought the story down.  I also really liked their group of friends.  They entire group struck my as real and would be people I would like to hang out with.  

      I really liked that Anna and Étienne's relationship isn't the instant over the top and madly in love that seems very common in young adult these days.  It makes everything concerning how the feel about each other genuine.  They're friends first and foremost.  They learn about each other, their families, and everything else that goes into making a real and lasting relationship.  It reminded me of falling love for the first time.  It isn't always easy.  

      As you can tell, I really loved this book.  It made me giddy and wanting more.  I can't wait to see what Stephenie Perkins has up her sleeve for us next! 


      Friday, November 19, 2010

      The Grand Delusion by Heath Sommer

      The Grand DelusionTitle: The Grand Delusion
      Author: Heath Sommer
      Series: reoccurring characters
      Pages: 408
      Published: October 2010 by Tate Publishing
      ISBN: 9781616635596
      Source: sent for review

      Description: Loner Addy Siwel only wanted answers when she signed up for a freshman course in theology—what she got was the attention of a murderer. In The Grand Delusion, Dr. Heath Sommer brings to life the precursor stories of characters John Joe, Addy Siwel, and Merci Bowku, who were introduced to the world in the 2009 contemporary mystery The Manufactured Identity. Terror-struck, the three protagonists vie against a backdrop of ironic evil as they are stalked by an unidentified villain who breaks all the rules and sends Chief of police and reluctant clairvoyant Frank Murphy scrambling against the clock in a murder mystery showdown that leaves all questioning what is real and what is beyond this world.

      I Give This ...
       I was looking forward to what Sommer produced next.  His first novel was very different from what I had read before.  I really enjoy how complex it was and the psychology aspects in contained.   I wasn't disappointed with this one.

      I have to be honest and say I don't remember much about the characters from The Manufactured Identity.  There was so much going on in that book.  I was afraid that fact would hinder my enjoyment of this one.  It didn't.  The book draws you in from the prologue.  At first, the constant switch in narrative is distracting.  But, I knew from experience that everything would be tied together.  Gradually the story flow into one stream and you get to know the characters.  All of them are suffering from sort of psychological problem in varying degrees.  I liked watching them all sort through their problems.  And once again, the author shows his knowledge in the area.  It's not written from the perspective of someone who has done a lot of research.  It feels genuine and real.

      I liked the intensity of the novel.  We know something big is going to happen, but we don't know to whom or who will be the culprit.  I wasn't even sure if it was a character in the novel or some outside force.  The true psychosis of the villain was awesome.  I love how the author is able to make a villain seem like any person you might know.  The "craziness" is buried deep within.  And with the problems the characters are hiding from each other, it really good have been anybody.

      I liked the theoretical questions this novel asks.  God plays a big part of it and I enjoyed it for the most part.  But, in the end it kind of turned me off.  I could have done without the whole classroom scene.  It's just got a little preachy there and felt a little out of place with the rest of the story.   The pacing was a little off for me as well.  It seems a short amount of time goes by in a few chapters and then all of a sudden months of past.  The only real indication of this is wording in the story.  It's almost like the chapters need a timeline.  

      But, overall I still really enjoyed this story.  Dr. Sommer has proved he has something to offer the mystery/thriller genre.  I will be looking forward to what he writes next!

      Thursday, November 18, 2010

      B & K's Reading Daze

       We haven't had as much library time this past month.  But, we've managed to find some new one's that we really liked.  

      K's Books (Age 5):

      Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs?Title: Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs
      Author: Carmela LaVigna Coyle

      We picked this one up because K loves the movie The Princess and the Frog.  It was really cute with colorful illustrations.  I liked the story the best.  I think it did a great job of demonstrating that every little girl is a princess at heart.  And it turns out there are a couple more book by the same author that follow this theme. 

      Thanksgiving, What Makes It Special?Title: Thanksgiving: What Makes It Special
      Author: Harold Myra

      We really enjoyed this one.  I thought it had some really good points on what Thanksgiving means and it's traditions.  It's religious and points to thanking God for what we've been given.  For this reason, I know it's not for everybody.  But, for what we believe, it had some valuable lessons that I thought were geared well to K's age group.

      B's Books (Age 2 1/2):

      All Year Round: A Book to Benefit Children in NeedTitle: All Year Round
      Author: Lisa Desimini 
      Wow!  This one was fantastic.  It had really bright and colorful pictures.  And it did such a great job of going through the season. B really loved it.  I think she would have liked it more if it was in a board book, or a smaller edition.  The book was big and hard for her to pack around.  

      Snuggle Up, Sleepy OnesTitle: Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones
      Author: Claire Freedman

      This is one of B's go to animal books.  She also particularly likes books that talk about going to bed.  The story is simple, and the animals are cute.  There's one page that bothers me because it doesn't rhyme like the rest of the story.  But, B loves this one, and it was an impulse buy at the library book fair!

      Wednesday, November 17, 2010

      Desires of the Dead (The Body Finder #2) by Kimberly Derting

      Desires of the DeadTitle: Desires of the Dead
      Author: Kimberly Derting
      Series: 2nd in series
      Pages: 368
      Published: February 15, 2011 by HarperCollins
      ISBN: 9780061779848
      Source: Around The World Tours

      Description: The missing dead call to Violet. They want to be found. When Violet Ambrose's morbid ability to sense the echoes of those who've been murdered leads her to the body of a young boy, she draws the attention of the FBI. She is reluctantly pulled into an investigation that will endanger more than just her secret...but her relationship and possibly her life as well. 

      I Give This ...

      I had high hopes for this one.  It's hard not to when the first in a series comes out with a bang.  With the paranormal element and a cast of characters you can't help but love, I think think series will go far.

      I really love Violet's ability.  The author has definitely put some thought into it.  Each death has a distinctive call for Violet and I think that is truly a unique aspect to this story.  I think she's really coming to terms with what she can do.  Before it was just a matter of animals and proper burial.  I think she's realizing she can use it for the greater good.  I like the character growth involved in this.  Although there was awhile there she was your typical teenage girl.  It had nothing to do with her ability and everything to do with Jay.  I wanted to smack her and tell her to stop being so foolish.

      I hope Jay is always there to be her knight in shinning armor.  It's not that she needs saving, but the dead call to her so strongly that sometimes she doesn't realize the danger she puts herself in.  He's known her for so long and cares for her so much that it's hard not to find him so endearing.  I also liked the addition of Rafe.  I hope the author doesn't make it a love triangle in the future.  But Rafe would make a great shoulder for Violet to lean on.

      I pegged the mystery pretty easily this time.  But, I don't think it was about the mystery in this installment.  It was about Violet accepting that she can use her ability to help others.  Which brings us to the FBI involvement.  I wasn't sure about Sara at first.  I couldn't figure out what she was after.  But, I was glad she was so interested in Violet and I think she (and her crew) can really help Violet.

      I highly recommend this series to anyone that likes a touch of mystery mixed in with their paranormal.  It's perfect for teens and adults!

      Tuesday, November 16, 2010

      Nevermore (Nevermore #1) by Kelly Creagh

      Nevermore (Nevermore, #1)Title: Nevermore
      Author: Kelly Creagh
      Series: 1st in Nevermore
      Pages: 543
      Published: August 2010 by Anthem
      ISBN: 9781442402003
      Source: Star Book Tours

      Description: Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English project, which is due—so unfair—on the day of the rival game. Cold and aloof, sardonic and sharp-tongued, Varen makes it clear he’d rather not have anything to do with her either. But when Isobel discovers strange writing in his journal, she can’t help but give this enigmatic boy with the piercing eyes another look. Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life. As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares.  His life depends on it.

      I Give This ...

      I knew I had to read this just based on the Edgar Allan Poe element.  This book ended up being unlike anything I've read in awhile.  I was immediately drawn into it and not once did it feel like it was a 500+ page book.

      I didn't particularly like Isobel at firstShe seemed so much like your typical popular cheerleader.  She's oblivious to those outside her circle and unwilling to look below the surface.  Her home life also confused me a little.  What parent wouldn't let their kid out of the house to get a major school project done?  But, it all seem to fit into this bubble that is her life.  But as she gets to know Varen, she learns that not everyone is what them seem.  She makes new friends way outside her circle and learns her old friend aren't all their cracked up to be.  I was really appalled at what they did in the ice cream shop.

      I really enjoyed Varen, and wish we got to see more of him.  He's still somewhat of a mystery.  I think he's a very complex character and even Isobel doesn't know the full depth of his character.  I was particularly fascinated by the persona he portrays in light of his background.  I also really liked his relationship with Isobel.  It's so slow and dramatic.  I also really enjoyed the idea that his writings created the dream world.  It's an interesting idea to the story.

      I loved the inclusion of Edgar Allan Poe into the story.  It was great how the author managed to tie in both his personal life (and it's many mysteried) and his works.  He's as much of a character in this novel as Isobel and Varen are.  I'm hoping the author can draw so closure in his story in the end (even if it is fiction).  I'll be eagerly waiting for the next one. 

      Monday, November 15, 2010

      It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

      What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.  Click on the picture to be taken to Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!

      Read Last Week: 

      • Wings by Aprilynne Pike

      • Intertwined by Gena Showalter
      • Solid by Shelly Workinger 

      Currently Reading:

      Spy Glass (Glass, #3)
      • Spy Glass by Maria Snyder 

        Up This Week:

        Such A Pretty FaceUnraveledHarry Potter and the Deathly H...Entangled
        • Such A Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb 
        • Unraveled by Gena Showalter  
        • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
        • Entangled by Cat Clarke


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